Saturday, January 22, 2011


So the other day it was brought up the argument of tiling vs cascading vs stacking when it comes to online poker tables. I have always been a proponent of tiling until I tried stacking tonight. The stacking option allows you to keep your tables default size and literally does what it says by stacking them. With TableNinja it can bring the action to the "top" of the pile every time a table needs a move. I felt comfortable playing 16 and this is going to help my volume I put in tremendously. I used to play 6 at a time and now I'm playing 16 what a great day for me to trial run the stack.

BR currently stands at: 387.42

I like the way I have been playing and found out I was missing quite a few spots that I should not have been missing. I attribute this to my recent downswing and it forced me subconsciously to play a little tighter in spots where I should have been opening wider. Now that I have fixed that I have seen some pretty good results over my last 100 games or so. Also now with the stack I should be seeing a nice rise in the bankroll with the extra volume.

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