Saturday, March 14, 2009

Niagara Falls

For my 22nd birthday on Monday my girlfriend took me to Niagara Falls so we could spend some time together since Ive been working 3rd shifts! Anyways we arrived around 5 o'clock and went out to dinner. Went to TGIFridays and it was meh lol but she paid since it was my bday so I couldnt complain. We went back to the room and changed to go see the falls. (We had both seen them but the other couple that went has not). We walked around and checked everything out only to get misted by the falls and freeze our asses off haha. We then walked down Cliffton Street (the touristy place for tourists) and we decided to retire back to the room (Got no sleep the night before because I had to pick up my bro at noon from work). I ended up going to bed, taking care of me and my girls needs, thinking I was not gonna even play poker. So I woke up finding out Lebron went off for 51 and further solidifying his MVP status. This was around 8 when I decided I felt awake and clear-minded to go play.

I took a shower and was on my way to play 2/5. Got my chips which amounted to $313 Canadian and sat down at my table. Posted right away and looked down at AQ in which a called a raise of 20. Whiffed the flop and folded to his C-Bet. Folded the next few hands to look down at AJ. I raised and got one caller (he was AZN) He bet the flop and I called. I felt he had air so I raised the turn (after a 3rd heart came) and he tanked and folded after about a minute of deliberation the pot was about $115. I then picked up a few hands and raised only to fold the flop pissing my stack into the low 200s. I won a decent pot off some tool looking guy in a weird ass mohawk and business suit when we both had 10s but my 9 played which put me back around 300. I then went card dead for quite awhile until I caught pocket fives. It held vs the guys overs and I won ~200 there putting my stack back to around 250. My last big hand came when I had pocket nines in which I raised to 25 from the BB. The flop came K32 and I bet 40. The other caller in the hand called me. I bet 75 on the turn when my 3rd 9 came. He called again. Last card came out and put a possible flush on board. He started talking asking how big my flush was saying his was J high(dead give away he didnt have it cuz he would talk about his 'hands' and either fold or call with a weak showing) I bet about 100 so I didnt lose him in the hand and he paid me off with K8. This put my stack at around 630. I called one more hand for 15 and folded the flop. I then left and cashed out for 483.75 for my 233.75 profit in 1.5 hours. (rake tips and my redbull cost ~$30)


Anonymous said...

i thought you were turning 22

Eddie said...

yea i fucked it up and didnt edit it