Saturday, December 8, 2007

The first

I am officially blogging now. Wow what an experience. lol. I have been meaning to make a blog for a while to share my thoughts on whats going on in the world.

The first thing that comes to mind is my Cleveland Browns. What can I say? Anyone who thinks that the Browns are a joke now. These guys are for real. The one thing I'm not sure is how can your team defense be the strength of you team since the return of the Browns and now it is our wekaness? Thats the only complaint I have. But to be honest I thought that they would be a seven win team at best this year and all of the sudden they are 7-5 with 4 games left. Finally Cleveland has something to hang its hat on. If the "D" can improve our offense can compete with anyone and we will be a force in the playoffs.

The second thing that comes to my mind is my poker endeavors as of late. I have no idea how Ive mad what Ive made this year playing like I am. I am paying off hands I know I am beat and generally have been ignoring my reads all together. I bet when I should fold and fold when I should raise. I know that I can correct these things but it seems as if I do not want to. I cannot believe that we barely play poker here anymore either. I was playing 3 nights a week last year and now I do not know if I have played 10 times this year. Luckily for me I still have online poker to fall back on.

The other thing that was cracking me up was the fact that Colbert was running for president. I loved this. I feel bad for those who do not watch the show and think that this was hoax. The whole purpose of his show is to get people who do not care about politics to start caring. I know it seems like a hoax but it was definitely for a purpose. I wish that he could have ran but he did not fill out the paperwork in time.
As far as next years presidential election I am finding no strong candidates with whom I feel comfortable yet. Hopefully as the time gets closer and more and more debates are televised a better feel for who I like will emerege.

This was the first of many blogs I hope to post and feel free to comment on them.

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